Sunday, August 4, 2013


Dear Properly Non-existing Audience,

Welcome to my first blog.
So basically I have never done this before but I am quite passionate about certain things. Especially everyday  topics that are not really discussed. Topics that annoy you so much, topics that may just wreck your day. Sorry if I rant a bit and please ask if you don't understand some words I use. Also sorry if I offend anyone I really didn't mean too and please tell me if there is something insulting in my rant. Thank You.

So for now I am going to discuss some thing that really disturbed me today. That thing was pajamas.

OK your properly thinking what has gotten into my head, pajamas are the best. Well there are some flaws with the comfy PJ's.

1. One being going out your front door-
So this most likely has happened to one of you reading this. Pajamas annoy me when you are so comfortable and you are just too lazy too go and get change but then some annoy person decides 'you know what I think Kate needs someone to knock really loudly at her door'. Well I hate you person who decides that. So I am chilling reading a book or watching television and then this person who I am nicknaming 'The Lazy-Day-Wrecker' comes and knocks on my door and demands that I walk outside looking silly in my owl shirt and purple track pants. And when I ignore 'The Lazy-Day-Wrecker' they decide 'lets knock harder and lets never give up until Kate comes outside'.

So finally when my peace and quiet is trashed I go outside and this person just looks at me with my hair tied up loosely, my pajamas and my face saying 'get lost' and eventually they say something stupid like 'I like your flowers from your front garden, where did you get them from?'. Grrrr..... to all you people. When I am in a very bad mood I just close the door slowly and smile creepily.

So basically don't come to my house when I am having a Lazy Day because I will close the door in your face.

 2. Parents-

Another thing that annoys me about pajamas is that look your parents give you when you are sitting in your pajamas. Parents suppose straight away that 'oh look Kate's in pajamas that means she is too lazy to do anything today so lets shout at her'. Just because I am relaxing in pajamas doesn't mean I am lazy.

OK maybe it does but I don't need the whole 'Get dressed properly, you should go for a run, go meet that friend', even if I do put on some shorts and a t-shirt doesn't mean I will not be lazy. I shall be lazy when I want to be lazy, that is final.

Finally that is the end of my rant for today, I will put up a rant when I have time. Thank you for reading, if you like this please read some of my other rants and blogs.

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